Subsidy Scheme for salt producers for purchase of solar pump set.
The Department of Industries and Mines, Government of Gujarat vide their GR No. NMK-102014-526515-CH dated 24th October, 2017 has announced a new subsidy scheme for purchase of solar pump by salt producers. On purchase of solar pump system by salt producers, subsidy @ 80% of the cost of the solar pump is being provided to salt producers. Since a solar pump system costs in the range of ` 1.50 to 2.50 Lakhs, salt workers are not rich enough to spend such amount upfront and hence they take recourse to private lending which is costing very high.
The Joint Commissioner of Industries (Salt/Textile), Government of Gujarat has informed that the department is in the process of devising a mechanism of forwarding loan applications for purchase of solar pump by salt producers from District Industrial Centres (DICs) to Banks.
For more details, please refer the agenda booklet of 157th meeting of SLBC.