Jyoti Gramodyog Vikas Yojana

Three phase uninterrupted electricity supply to all the villages of the state was the dream came true last year. Now to capitalize the benefits in favors of the rural ample, a scheme is required to establish village industries.

  • The scheme is applicable to all New Village Industry projects set up in “rural area”. Any extension or renovation of existing unit will not be eligible for this facility.


  • The eligible agencies under the scheme are(i) Individual artisans/entrepreneurs, Age: 25 to 50; Education: 10th pass; presently working at home or in the factory/unit of the proposed project or trained by the recognized institution in the activity of the proposed project.(ii) Grade-II Active SHGs engaged in production of goods at a small level.


(Partnership firms private Limited Companies, Join Ventures, Jt. Borrowers, Co-obligators or HUF are not eligible under the scheme).

  • Under this scheme applicants have to submit dully filled specified form which is available at District Industries Centre. Board / Corporations affiliated to Cottage & Rural Industries Department can submit the applications to District Industries Centre after receiving from their beneficiaries. The officers of District Industries Centre & Board/ Corporations those who are authorized & not below the rank of class-II can sponsor the applications to General Manager of District Industries Centre after visiting the place & fulfilling the checklist prior to sanction. General Manager will recommend eligible application to bank after verification including spot verification if necessary.

Financial Assistance:

  • The ceiling limit of project is above Rs.1 lakh up to Rs.25 lakh. Under which up to Rs. 10 lakh 25% of the Project cost will be provided by state government as Margin Money, for the project above 10 lakh up to Rs.25 lakh the rate of Margin Money will be 25% of the project cost up to Rs.10 lakh plus 10% of the remaining cost of the Project. In case of SC/ST/women/Physically Handicapped it will be 30% up to Rs.10 lakh and 10% for remaining.
  • The subsidy amount will be credited in the account of the beneficiaries, which will be debited after two years successful run of the project.

Contact :

Concerned District Industries Centers

Forms: Application form of Jyoti Gram Vikas Yojana    

G.R: Jyoti Gramodyog Vikas Yojana G.R. – Dt.7-9-2015

For more details visit the site http://www.cottage.gujarat.gov.in